News and Views

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Shoulder Milestone

May 6th, 2011 · 8 Comments

Yesterday in physical therapy, I raised my arm over my head using its own muscles for the first time since surgery. Straight up in the air, pointing at the ceiling. I was very excited!

This is significant, since many people never recover this capability after rotator cuff surgery. My Dad for example was never able to raise his arm above his shoulder after his rotator cuff surgery.

This gives me great confidence that I should regain full use and strength of the arm.

Tags: Family Updates

8 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Richard // May 6, 2011 at 11:21 am

    Good news, Daryl.

  • 2 Donna // May 6, 2011 at 11:41 am

    Hope you’re back shooting basketballs with your dead eye aim by this fall. Keep up the good work!

  • 3 Daryl // May 6, 2011 at 2:21 pm

    I get it, “dead eye”. Donna you should be ashamed of yourself, making fun of a crippled person!

  • 4 Donna // May 6, 2011 at 3:06 pm

    From one crip to another… 🙂

  • 5 Dale // May 6, 2011 at 4:50 pm

    With a shoulder and a knee injury, do you think you will keep playing b-ball?

  • 6 Mom // May 7, 2011 at 7:51 am

    You’re in better shape physically at 60 than your dad was at 40. Congratulations on pointing at the sky.

  • 7 Daryl // May 7, 2011 at 11:09 am

    I will keep playing basketball as long as I can. I fully expect to return in August or September, after my shoulder has healed.
    My knee seems almost normal again; it doesn’t cause me any problems, though I haven’t stressed it much for a while. Maybe that’s what it needed to heal completely…

  • 8 Dianna // May 9, 2011 at 10:32 am

    Great news! Glad the PT is going so well.